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WICI Concept Paper (last update on January 2011) |
WICI proposes an enhanced business reporting framework which focuses on the core part of the company’s unique value creation mechanism. Under this framework, WICI hopes more and more companies will be able to easily present an integrated and comprehensive report on material financial and non-financial elements of the company’s performance, resulting in a better communication with its key stakeholders, which in return benefit the company itself.
WICI Mission Graphic

WICI Taxonomy
WICI Taxonomy | To view or download the XBRL taxonomy for WICI Framework V1.0 please Click here. |
Concepts covered in the WICI Reporting Framework are included in the WICI Taxonomy. The use of an XBRL Taxonomy facilitates the disclosure, consumption and analysis of key information that are tagged within business reports.
Download the Excel version of the WICI XBRL Taxonomy for review.
The ‘WICI Framework’ and related WICI materials, by their collaborative nature, are based on multiple source materials, including substantial use of and reference to the:
- PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Corporate Reporting materials and research, both directly and via previous contribution of these into the Enhanced Business Reporting Framework and
- DVFA – Society of Investment Professionals in Germany materials and research.
The copyright in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Corporate Reporting materials is owned by PricewaterhouseCoopers firms, and all rights are reserved. For information on the PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Reporting program, see . The WICI acknowledges and thanks PricewaterhouseCoopers for its kind permission to use and base its materials (including, but not limited to, elements of the overall structure of the framework, industry specific frameworks and performance measures, and associated XBRL taxonomies) on the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Corporate Reporting materials and research.
‘PricewaterhouseCoopers’ refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.
The copyright in KPIs for ESG – Key Performance Indicators for Environmental, Social and Governance Issues is owned by DVFA – Society of Investment Professionals in Germany, and all rights are reserved. For information on the DVFA – Society of Investment Professionals in Germany, see The WICI acknowledges and thanks DVFA – Society of Investment Professionals in Germany for its kind permission to use and base its materials (including, but not limited to, industry specific frameworks and performance measures, and associated XBRL taxonomies) on DVFA – Society of Investment Professionals in Germany materials and research.
WICI acknowledges and thanks PricewaterhouseCoopers and JustSystems for services contributed during the collaboration to develop the WICI Framework and related XBRL taxonomies.