WICI, the World Intellectual Capital/Assets Initiative, has published the Exposure Draft of “Setting a New Agenda for CFOs ---Understanding the role of Intangibles in Value Creation---” in order to facilitate CFOs and other finance professionals to manage and report intangibles in the context of their organization’s value creation. This document also provides some tools to identify and evaluate intangibles, as well as, experiences and cases through interviews with CFOs of companies within each WICI jurisdiction.
Setting a New Agenda for CFOs ---Understanding the role of Intangibles in Value Creation---
WICI is seeking for comments on all aspects of this document. WICI prefers to receive your comments and responses via our website at, which requires registration. Alternatively, comments may be submitted to the following email address:
For the purpose of analysis, we ask you to identify the name of your organization, its main activities and where it is located. All comments received will be considered as a matter of public record and will be posted on after the end of the consultation period.
Comments should be submitted by August 31st, 2020.
Use of Personal Information
Personal information you provide through the consultation process will be used only for:
・ analyzing responses,
・ confirming or clarifying your response, if necessary, and
・ providing you with information about WICI’s future events such as annual symposium (if you wish)